The Fine Art of Frugal

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Few know of the darker side of being frugal. The dazzle and glitz that accompanies being cheap, is most often the image perceived. That glorified, glimmering cloud overshadows the truly sinister side. One of which is filled with ridicule and abandonment. Often, you are the last man standing in a good bartering deal. You get glares (fueled by an emotion I am sure is jealousy) and occasionally spat on. You do not like to admit but sometimes, you falter. To those; I say be strong. Do not back down! The only thing going down is those ridiculous prices! At your lowest point, you may begin to question why you have chosen this lifestyle. What do I gain from this madness? In times like these, just remember, the greatest reward is in the savings in your pocket.

Things that are free:
The Library-
Oh glorious library! If I were but a rose on your desk! It is a sanctuary of all things free. Books, movies, music, internet; you are all housed in a single building of awesomeness.

If you are paying for friendship, I am pretty sure you are doing something illegal or you may unknowingly be donating to charity; in which case, see if you are eligible for a tax refund.

Things to watch for:
Fancy Colouring-
Companies often use the razz matazz of eye-catching colour and flashy lettering to trick you into believing there is a deal to be had. Remember, Madussa has scary snakes coming out of her wicked head. An 8-cent savings does not warrant you buying the whole box.

Oftentimes, in important documentation or fine print, free’s closely related arch nemesis will show his cruel face. He is cunning and overlooking him can lead to death or even worse, the embarrassment of paying excess money. With one swift removal of a letter, our lovable free becomes an irksome fee. Be aware.

“With the removal of r free becomes fee and poor becomes thee”


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